Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tagged by Lynsey

I was recently tagged by my sisinlaw Lynsey to blog about 5 pieces of music that mean something to me. Well having given it a bit of thought here goes ......

Orinocho Flow by ENYA - when pregnant with Thomas I went to sleep every night listening to this cd with the idea that he would hear it in the womb and when he was born he had to it to fall asleep to - every night until finally at the age of about three when he could make himself understood he told me he never wanted to listen to that awful music again - ooopsss - didnt try the same technique with any of the others.

Fairground Attraction PERFECT - as used in Jems CJ - this was a kind of anthem while I was at university when I agonised over life not being perfect until I grew up and realised that it didn't have to be - near perfect is quite good enough.

WETWETWET Love is all around - had to include this - it was Number 1 from the day I started going out with Andy the farmer until we split up - a relationship doomed to failure from the start but which got me through my finals as I was sooooo obsessed with him I forgot to get stressed.

EDITH PIAF - Je ne regret rein - speaks for itself really :)

KAISER CHIEFS - Ruby - may well be the proper name for Buttercup when she is born - John certainly likes it and I love the song.

There we go - not as insightful as Lynsey's but a mix bag all the same - and now I tag Jen, Lou and Jems to do the same :):)

1 comment:

Louise said...

oooooooo, will have to think about this. Was interesting reading yours:)