Friday, January 04, 2008

bad photo day :(

Despite having friends to play really didn't get any decent photo opportunities today - didn't even manage HS:MS perfume as by the time chaos had settled it was dark so will that tomorrow in the light - can't have a day with no photos at all tho (not already!!) so tried and failed to take a picture of my enormous bump!! the out of focus feet really put it into perspective - not a great picture but it is a start and I hope to have better bump pictures to share as the weeks go on :)


JamesPearson said...

Hey that looks pretty cool. It's a bit warm though - you might want to try setting the white balance to "tungsten" or cool it down in Photoshop (if you manage to get on your PC for more than 5 minutes!)

You don't need lots of light to take a photo of perfume - try your tripod and table lamp (again using Tungsten white balance). Have fun!

Jemma said...

i love the photo Nikki x

Jenga said...

Lovely bump photo Nikki :)

monika said...

I love that photo and your bump is coming on a treat. Whoohoo