Saturday, January 26, 2008


My first SMILE picture is of a miniboden catalogue which I mistakenly gave to Sophie with the instructions to 'flick through and see if there is anything you like' she handed it back with practically every page turned over - the only ones left were boys clothes and even some of those she had chosen for her brothers -:)

HS:MS prompts recently have included THREE - so I found the snowstorms my 3 created this Christmas - although officially Christmas decorations they are too cute to put away just yet.

and OVERFLOW - this is what happens to our patio when the cellar pump is turned on - Ben is loving the puddles!!

A second smile for today has to be this picture of Buttercup - although she wasnt exactly cooperative we did get a couple of half decent pics of her cute face - I think she looks a lot like Sophie.


Jenga said...

She is adorable !!!

LOVE Sophie's idea of catalogue shopping LOL

Thanks for the tag :P

Louise said...

she is soooooo sweet, what a lovely scan pic to have:)

Sophie sounds fab... I love her charcater:)

Jemma said...

LOVE Sophie's shopping and wow the last pic is amazing, its a bit weird how she does actually look like sophie - im not sure if im just seeing it because i want to though!

thanks for the tag ill get on the case as soon as the sexy men are off the tv! xx

monika said...

OMG love your smiles.