Friday, August 01, 2008

Photos of me!!!!!

Haven't been able to get blogger to work properly recently so huge back log of photos I want to get on!! Tom finally got his good school report present after losing his remote control airplane within 20 minutes. he was much happier with a megablocks dinosaur and gargoyle that he swaps the pieces around with others in his collection - much better present.

While he was at Toysrus John bought 4 new enormous water pistols 9dont ask!!!) Sophie managed but when full of water it was just too heavy for poor Ben!

Sophie and Ben had fun painting in the garden.

We finally planted out the sunflowers the children grew from kits Grandma sent at Easter - bit late so they are pretty tiny - no prizes for tall sunflowers here this year but looks like they may get flowers and the children are happy.

Let ben and Sophie lose with my camera again - quite pleased with Sophie's results - nice to be in the pics for a change :)

Had to post this shot of Thomas - he is just so fantastic with Megan - really brings out his gentle side.

1 comment:

JamesPearson said...

Gorgeous shot of Thomas and Megan - so sweet!